Friday, January 21, 2011

Feeding hundreds

How do two people feed hundreds?

As talks proceeded over the project that Jason and I were working on together, two things seemed certian. The first was that both of us seemed to enjoy pushing a creative non convential way of making money and the other was that both of us had a heart to effect situations of need.

There has been two conversations that keep coming up in our talks together of how Effect can help and not just be a form of making money and the talks seem to stem back to the same ways to help.

Focus of help: Michigan's Economy and South Africa's Orphans

Ways to help: Awareness and Providing

The complication comes in how to actually Effect these situations and how to start something that has a finish and not just a waste of breath. So many of us have great intentions but nothing comes from them. I know that most of my life has seemed this way. So many things stream through my head but never come to reality.

This is one of those projects that Jason and I would like to see come about. We have thrown around tons of ideas on how to help and would greatly appreciate any and all ideas. We want to know the people that feel the same as we do and stick together.

How do two people feed hundreds? We find 98 other like minded people to help!

Thanks for listening. Derek

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Effect Situations.

Live to EFFECT your situations

Dont let situations EFFECT you.

For over two years I have had this quote as a saying to live by and can say that the theory can transform someones life from one that is at the mercy of situations into one that directs the situations.

Most people are at the mercy of their job, financial situations, family and friends and typically feel that most of their day is planned out and dictated by everyone else. Dreams seem to always be just out of reach and people look forward to saturday night and the three day weekends. We seem to let our situations steer our life and often wonder why other people seem to pass us by and complete their goals.

The difference is in the decisions people make and not the situations that surround them:

As Coco Chanel grew up in a poor family and loosing her parents at a young age she was thought to be the last one to dress in high fashion let alone design it. Walt Disney was beat on a regular basis by his father and went on to be the most succesful person in creating family entertainment. B.B King was raised on plantations in a broken home having to deal with his mother dying at a young age. He was brought up in a time where whites and blacks were segragated and he bought his first guitar for $2.50. He has now recorded over 50 albums and whites and blacks both enjoy his music.

Each of their situations if left to effect them would have left Coco Chanel in poverty her entire life, Walt Disney would have had a troubling family himself and ran from wholesome family values, and B.B. King would have died already from a hard labored life on farms.

Jason and I began talking about these people and this subject months ago while working on a project together. Through his dream of using his art to create a line of shirts, and my dream of printing a worthwhile line of shirts, we created the idea of Effect.

Effect is evolving and this is the very beginning. Effect is starting as an artistic line of shirts that both of us will enjoy building. Effect shirts is our way of effecting our own situations.

The future goal of Effect is to ues a portion of our line to effect others. We both are pushing for this line to open doors for people to be helped. Its a small start, but a start none the less.

"If you can't feed a hundred people, then just feed one"

- Mother Teresa

Thanks for listening. Derek